Bring the world to your clients

Increase share-of-wallet of clients by offering them access to investments in global stocks and ETFs. Share the success of your favourite global brands, unlocking opportunities for you through portfolio diversification.

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Global Core Portfolio

70+ Markets, All 11 Sectors and 7000+ Stocks

Give your clients a platform to diversify globally with a basket of global ETFs actively managed by an ex-Wall Street fund manager through a momentum driven sector rotation strategy, unlocking opportunities for you through portfolio diversification.

Professionally managed research based baskets

Grow your business

Do more with existing clients

mf distributor software
Address more needs of your clients

Increase share of wallet

mf distributor software
Provide consolidated reporting

Domestic and global investments on one platform

mf distributor software
Stay updated

Partner-aligned marketing support and research

Increase opportunities & diversify risk

for Investors and You

mf distributor software
Expand horizons

Access companies and brands clients know and use

mf distributor software
Diversify and hedge

Explore new sectors, currencies, and geographies

mf distributor software
Invest in tranches

Start small, and keep topping-up into themed baskets

Curated baskets for one-click investments

Silicon Valley Portfolio

A tech focused portfolio

A holistic coverage of the US technology stocks, both conventional technology stocks, and tech-related stocks from other sectors, specifically internet retail companies. The portfolio has high exposure to the FAANG stocks.

access portfolio

Disruptive Innovation Portfolio

Invest in the future today

Investing in companies leading and benefiting from cross-sector innovations including artificial intelligence, robotics, energy storage, DNA sequencing, and blockchain technology.

access portfolio

Megatrends Portfolio

FoETFs focused on 4 megatrends

Capturing long-term, transformational forces influencing the future of global economy with equal exposure to technological breakthroughs, demographic & social changes, climate change & resource scarcity, and rapid urbanization.

access portfolio

Silicon Valley Portfolio

A tech focused portfolio

A holistic coverage of the US technology stocks, both conventional technology stocks, and tech-related stocks from other sectors, specifically internet retail companies. The portfolio has high exposure to the FAANG stocks.


Disruptive Innovation Portfolio

Invest in the future today

Investing in companies leading and benefiting from cross-sector innovations including artificial intelligence, robotics, energy storage, DNA sequencing, and blockchain technology.


Megatrends Portfolio

FoETFs focused on 4 megatrends

Capturing long-term, transformational forces influencing the future of global economy with equal exposure to technological breakthroughs, demographic & social changes, climate change & resource scarcity, and rapid urbanization.


Global investing now easy & accessible

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Complete online KYC to digitally open brokerage accounts in the US for your clients

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Remit money using client’s existing bank accounts

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Invest in thematic baskets of stocks and ETFs

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Provide your clients a consolidated view of their domestic and global investments

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Complete online KYC to digitally open brokerage accounts in the US for your clients

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Start seamlessly

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